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Metal Faced & Capped Hinged Doorsets

Built to Last, Engineered for Strength

High-performing steel enveloped doors are the ideal choice for mining and industrial-zoned projects due to their exceptional durability and reliability.

These doors are specifically designed to withstand the demanding conditions often encountered in these environments, such as extreme temperatures, high levels of moisture, dust, and heavy usage.

Constructed with robust steel frames and reinforced with advanced materials, they provide superior strength, resistance to impact, and enhanced security.

Additionally, these doors can be customized to meet specific project requirements, offering features like insulation, fire resistance, soundproofing, and advanced locking mechanisms.

With their exceptional performance and ability to withstand harsh conditions, high-performing steel enveloped doors ensure the safety, efficiency, and longevity of industrial facilities in the mining and industrial sectors.


  • Switchrooms

  • Substations

  • Hospitals

  • Mining

  • Industrial Buildings


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